EMEC Suction Lances

Rigid suction lance with adjustable height, foot valve and Built-in Float switch

Model Size Body Seals Length (cm) Flow (l/hr)
LASP4/V 4 x 6 PVC Viton 40,63,75,95,108 and 122 up to 10
LASP4/D 4 x 6 PVC EPDM 40,63,75,95,108 and 122 up to 10
LASP4/V CAN 4 x 6 PVC Viton 40,63 up to 10
LASP4/D CAN 4 x 6 PVC EPDM 40,63 up to 10
LASP5/V 6 x 8 PVC Viton 40,63,75,95,108 and 122 over 10
LASP5/D 6 x 8 PVC EPDM 40,63,75,95,108 and 122 over 10
LASP6/V 6 x 8 PVDF Viton 40,63,75,108 and 122 up to 10
LASP4LASP4-CAN (container)This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is LASP4-CAN-small.jpg


Rigid Suction Lances for PRIUS Pumps from 250 to 500l/hr: (D13 and D18 available with 1 or 2 outlets)

Model Tube Size IDmm Body Seals Length (cm)
LASP/M D13 EP 13 PVC EPDM 75, 108 and 122
LASP/M D13 FP 13 PVC Viton 75, 108 and 122
LASP/M D18 EP 18 PVC EPDM 75, 108 and 122
LASP/M D18 FP 18 PVC Viton 75, 108 and 122
LASP/M D32 EP 32 PVC EPDM 75, 108 and 122
LASP/M D32 FP 32 PVC Viton 75, 108 and 122